Category Archives: New Work


A sparrow flew by me and for an instant he was a white owl. The sparrow owl landed on the ground and looked to me with knowing eyes and as much of a smile as a sparrow owl can muster. … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, New Work | 1 Comment

Of Courtship

be decent, honest, and kind. Rule #1: Shaping yourself into your partner’s ideal is not kind.  I know it felt that way.  But it is not honest; and therefore not decent.  Probably because it is not sustainable.  And probably because … Continue reading

Posted in Lists, New Work | 2 Comments

A rare post

I don’t think I have ever written to my audience.  But considering that I have few, if any, visitors, save the consistent spam audience visiting me via porn sites and retailers, I will make an announcement: I have posted the … Continue reading

Posted in New Work | 1 Comment

Under My Thumb

The climb, if not absolutely overhanging, is less than by only a few degrees: 170, 175.  Any person shown the problem would say that the whole is thing is climbed upside down, which is true, but I point out those … Continue reading

Posted in Bits and Pieces, I'm Fine, New Work | Leave a comment

the best i do

I should do something because, it is what I think I should do. How I conduct myself, as a matter of principle, is for this sake Not in hopes of achieving future returns, not for ultimate ends. * I have … Continue reading

Posted in Bits and Pieces, New Work, Raw Ideas | Leave a comment

Fork and Stick Thing Review

“In A Fork And Stick Thing, Revlock accentuated the kinetic representation of rhythmically spoken words. With performer Kristel Baldoz by her side, both women moved in synchronicity to strands of words such as “light, gone, time, flipping.” The sound score, composed by … Continue reading

Posted in Bits and Pieces, Gonzo Road, New Work | Leave a comment

Fork and Stick Thing

I have been party to the composition of sounds and music for a dance performance entitled “Fork and Stick Thing”.  This will be a nationally touring piece choreographed by Gabrielle Revlock and danced by Gabi and Kristel Bardoz.  Jacob Mitas … Continue reading

Posted in Bits and Pieces, New Work | Leave a comment