A rare post

I don’t think I have ever written to my audience.  But considering that I have few, if any, visitors, save the consistent spam audience visiting me via porn sites and retailers, I will make an announcement:

I have posted the first draft of I’m Fine within the Novella section of this site.  It contains 9 chapters, all of which are in a mature draft save the final chapter which needs much revision.

If you scroll to these pages you will find that they have a side note in parenthesis complaining about formatting.  Formatting has been very important in the writing of I’m Fine, and wordpress has not been all too friendly with allowing me to transfer these documents in an agreeable way.

That’s ok I suppose.  It will mean that you will have to reread the text in its ideal structure when I have completed and printed copies.  Enjoy.  MJM

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  • Mike Parker

    I visited! And my timing was good… Just started reading some of the “I’m Fine” and I’m pumped!